Community Advocacy

We advocate for projects and policies that help preserve and enhance North Park’s special character. Our efforts include:

On July 17, 2016, the North Park Historical Society wrote a detailed letter to the City of San Diego in response to the Environmental Impact Report (EIR) prepared for the North Park Community Plan Update. Click on the link to the document NPHS Cover and Detailed Comment Letter on NPCPU PEIR 7-18-16 . Please note that the document consists of a two page cover letter plus a more detailed comment letter.

Letters to the Planning Department regarding the updating of the Community Plan for North Park. The most recent letter to the Planning Department was NPCPU Letter from NPHS 2-19-16. In addition, NPHS President Steve Hon wrote an opinion piece for the Voice of San Diego on NPHS positions regarding density and proposed building height limits on the western part of University Avenue Op – Ed piece from Voice of San Diego final.


Opposition to the proposed Balboa Park Plaza de Panama project Centennial Bridge and Road and underground parking structure, and documentation of our concerns with the Environmental Impact Report (EIR) in a formal letter of comment sent to the City. NPHS Comment Letter on Draft EIR signed

Support for replacement of the vertical “blade” marquee sign on the North Park Theatre with a replica that retained the original wording. Letter to PAC to support NP Theatre sign